Joyo JF-36 Sweet Baby Overdrive

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The Sweet Baby pedal from Joyo Audio is a top-performer distortion pedal, and it has a price-point which makes it a possible selection for any player. The JF-36 model has a focus knob, as well as highly usable Volume and Drive controls, which all have great range. Together these controls allow you to shape unique tones: From sweet and soothing to all-out rage!

Distortion pedals usually don't have as much output as this little monster, and the true-bypass wiring keeps your signal integrity at maximum while the gain circuit is not engaged. This JOYO product is built to last with quality components and a sturdy shell casing. The affordable price, balanced with the unique features and amazing tone, make this pedal a top choice among gigging guitarists, studio recording artists and casual musicians alike.


Model JF-36 is a popular distortion stompbox

Features the "Focus" control, perfect for tone shaping

Drive and Volume knobs for fine tuning level of saturation

Rich in second and third order harmonics and nuances

High quality components, ¼ inch in/out jacks, 9V included

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