MXR CSP-033 Il Torino Overdrive

157,68 175,20
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The Il Torino Overdrive recreates the dynamic, touch responsive overdrive of classic tube preamps with a 3-band EQ and OD/Boost modes for sonic versatility.Knob tweakers and tone freaks, your overdrive pedal has arrived. The Il Torino Overdrive, the MXR Custom Shop showroom's latest addition, serves up smooth, organic grit with the controls you need to adapt its sound to your carefully constructed signal chain.Designed by guest Custom Shop engineer Carlo Sorasio, Italy's premier boutique amp and pedal builder, the Il Torino Overdrive uses MOSFET technology to recreate the gain structure of classic tube preamps, allowing it to sing with sweet, touch responsive saturation and natural sounding compression. Next, Carlo added a 3-band EQ section so you can finely shape the sound of the overdrive.Finally, Carlo added a BOOST/OD switch to toggle between Boost Mode-a cleaner sound with just the right amount of compression and sustain-and OD Mode-a more aggressive, cranked tube amp sound.This pedal uses a sophisticated bypass system in the form of a Class A Low Impedance Output Driver-essentially a form of buffered bypass-to keep your tone sounding warm and natural across long signal chains where signal loss normally occurs.It all comes in a sturdy MXR box with all the high quality jacks and switches to make it last on the road.NB! Open boxed item, but in excellent condition.

You'll love this if you're a guitarist who wants all of the gain from a tube preamp squeezed into a little pedal. As common as digital and solid state amps are becoming we all still want tube like preamp gain for rock and metal sounds. The problem is that these valve amps that deliver on the sound you want can cost upward of a couple of grand and we certainly don't all have that lying around. That is where MXR and their new Il Torino Overdrive come in.

Valve...but not

This MOSFET overdrive pedal has been designed by Italian amp and pedal legend Carlo Sorrasio to sound as much like a tube amp as possible. The key to this incredible tube amp like overdrive is the MOSFET technology used inside that replicates the preamp of a real valve amps structure. The technology in this pedal is well known for giving off amp like sounds but this sets the bar. What takes this pedal up a notch above the competition is the Class A low impedance output which keeps the tone sounding warm throughout your chain.

OD and Boost

You can take this pedal from near clean boost levels of clarity up to crushing overdrive sounds all at the press of a button. As a two mode pedal you really get a lot of versatility for your money. Don't you go thinking though that one side is going to be a last minute addition, both sides are equally usable and sounds great in front of a wide range of set ups. 

EQ For All

You can really mold the sound of this pedal to fit in with the rest of your rig with the 3 band EQ. With high, mid and low controls you can shape the overdrive to fit exactly what you need.

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