Way Huge WHE-701 Aqua-Puss Delay

183,88 216,33
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The Way Huge Aqua-Puss Analog Delay Guitar Effects Pedal is an analog delay guitar effects pedal, featuring controls including delay, feedback and blend. The Aqua-Puss MkII is making its triumphant return, ready to bathe a tone-thirsty world in gorgeously smooth delay. One twist of the Delay knob takes you from a tight 20ms delay to a cavernous 300ms. The Feedback control regulates delay duration and intensity, but extreme settings can send the Aqua-Puss MkII into an extreme self-oscillating mode. Additionally the Blend knob lets you set a balance between dry and delayed signal—from mild to wild. The Aqua-Puss MkII delivers all the spooky mystery of vintage analog delay and tape-based echo, with none of the hassle of creaky, ancient gear.

The main features of the Way Huge Aqua-Puss Analog Delay Guitar Effects Pedal include:

Vintage-style analog delay

20ms to 300ms of delay time

Self-oscillating psycho-freak-out mode

Feedback control regulates delay duration and intensity

Blend control transitions the signal

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